Play Personalities
Play creates more joy, connectedness, relaxation and fulfillment in our lives, yet most of us think we are “bad” at it.
What if we told you that the key to unlocking the lost art of play is discovering what play style actually resonates with us? Just as personality frameworks like the Enneagram or Myers-Briggs help us better understand ourselves and others in work and relationships, play styles give us a way to identify and embrace the activities that bring us joy.
According to Dr. Stuart Brown, researcher and founder of The National Institute for Play, there are eight personalities that describe the ways we play. While some of us prefer to collect, organize or compete, others like to create, explore or move their bodies. Read more about each play personality below and take our quiz to find our your primary style. And remember, we all rotate through multiple play styles, so be sure to explore each one to see where your preferences fall — and what play dates you might enjoy most.

Take the play personality quiz.
You find joy in collecting items or experiences, and you love the thrill of finding something unique.
You love planning, organizing, and leading others in activities, events and projects.
You feel most alive when you’re moving your body, whether it’s sports, dance, or physical challenges.
You thrive on competition, structured games, and pushing yourself to win.
Whether it’s discovering new places, ideas or experiences, exploration and learning is your vibe.
Imagination is your playground, especially stories — whether you’re creating or absorbing them.
You like to make things and solve problems, whether it’s crafting, designing, or building.
You strive to make people laugh and bring humor into every situation.