The Transformative Power of Play

In our fast-paced, achievement-driven world, play often takes a backseat. It’s the first thing we learn how to do as a way to bond, form, and test relationships, and yet we are quick to abandon it in the name of more pressing obligations.

But what if I told you that the drive to play is as essential to us as the need for food and sleep? And that many of us think we are “bad” at play because we don’t actually know what type of play resonates with us? This keynote inspires audiences to reconnect with their inner child and integrate play as a a daily practice.

Through engaging storytelling, science-backed insights and interactive exercises, attendees will explore how to cultivate more joy and resilience in their lives by discovering their play style.

Play has the ability to completely transform our lives and serves as a powerful force for wellbeing — it fosters bravery, curiosity and self-expression while offering profound mental and emotional benefits.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine research that shows how play enhances our mood, reduces stress, improves happiness and fosters greater connection, relaxation and fulfillment.

  • Discover how identifying your primary play personality can help you recharge, boost productivity and eliminate burnout by allowing you to do more of what lights you up.

  • Define strategies for rediscovering your flow as well as tools to overcome negative self-talk and fear, empowering personal breakthroughs and increased resilience, adaptability and engagement.